Razer N95 face mask

Are you interested? Razer N95 face mask with built-in air filtermicrophone and speaker system.

When the world continues to face the COVID-19 outbreak. Thereforeone, of the safeguards Razer N95 is a necessity that we wear every day when leaving the house. But as you know Wearing a mask sometimes makes us short of breath and the voice is blurry, so Razer has developed a mask to solve this problem.

Razer create the world’s smartest mask. It comes with an air filter and speaker system under the Project Hazel name, indicating that the material is made from recycled plastic. That is waterproof and scratch-resistant. Which is transparent To be able to read your lips and see your face when you chat with people.

It is similar to the N95 mask, but is an air filtration system capable of filtering 95% of airborne particles. Including the virus that originated COVID-19. And other common pathogens. The air filter can remove and can recharge. At the same time, filters also include with a microphone and speaker. So you don’t have to worry about making your voice muffled when talking to others.

However, The Verge reports that no price or release date is currently attached, and Project Hazel itself has not been endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Or the Occupational Safety and Health Office.

Razer N95 to be working with a team of doctors.

The specialists and scientists who are helping develop the mask. He’s also working with audio engineers to find a balance in speaker volume. And are testing the period of use of the air filter system. 

Razer plans to receive notifications via an app on their smartphones. When the battery is low or it’s time to replace the air filter. It also states that The charging case comes with a UV mask sterilization system, all of which are still under development.

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